Students Results Sheet Theory & MCQ
We will know ان شاء الله,
How to create students results sheet? How can we create result sheet like as government marksheet?
If every subjects numbers are different, what can we create sheet?
Are roll numbers autocratic in this sheet?
Yes, ان شاء الله, we will create.
This file's feature,
Individually syllabuses. For example: some subjects 100, some subjects 70 theory + 30 MCQ, some subjects 50 theory +25 practical + 25 MCQ etc.
Individually passmark. For example: some subjects 33 marks, some subjects 9 marks , some subjects 25 marks etc.
Two subjects together are grade point but if one subject will be faild, this is be shown fail.
Some subject is only one subject grade point.
Theory + MCQ + Additional Subject.
If additional subjects will be failed, this is no change in result but if we have absence in additional subjects exam, our result will be failed.
07. Letter point.
08. Grade point.
09. Total numbers.
10. Total point without additional subject.
11. Total point with additional point.
Roll numbers.
If total points are more than others,
we will stand in roll numbers serially.
If more student's points are equal,
Students will stand in roll numbers by total point without additional subject.
If that will also equal, roll numbers are be selected by total numbers.
I will give you this sheet like as government marksheet.
But this file is not free.
This file's price is 0.63$=50৳.
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facebookLabels: others, PDF, Result, resultofworld, yoursagacity